You have made the Right Choice! Here you can meet another people with a similar interests , to share your experience, to help those who just start ussing these modes and to find good friends between the HAM operators wich is still the most important in our hobby! The SSTV Mode Club started on the end of 23/11/2007 and was created by ON8GA. We decide to create this club as we have very good friendship (we can say we are family friends ) comes from our hobby and because all of us like the SSTV MODE.So we really hope this club will help you finding very good friends between the HAM Amateurs with the same interests as yours and we hope you will be kind to share your experience with the beginers or just to make fun.We have some awards as it's will be interesting for both of us and we are prepearing the first BCS Contest 2008.
We are happy that the group is growing very quickly and there are members from many countries.That's meen the people really like these modes and they are active on the air. It's recommended to give your BCS# durring your QSO's as may be the other operators are collecting BCS numbers for awards and they can check in our web site for information about you like : name, address, e-mail, Skype, MSN, ICQ ...etc.
That's all we need...So you can join us for free. You will receive your lifetime BCS Number and SSTV certificate to your e-mail address
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