2) DX-Cluster
The DX-cluster is now becoming the stage to demonstrate excellence for the ambitous expert. Don't miss your opportunities there!
2a) Self-Spots - do it yourself
Proudly announce yourself by DX-spots. If no one besides you spots you, who else than you should spot you? Some people might object that a DX-spot must contain second-order information, i.e., that a station A hears a station B with A different from B. But this is nonsense, made up by people who have not yet reached your status! Hasn't the cluster been particularly designed for important DX-ers like you? Don't hesitate to spot yourself on a daily basis so people will learn about your schedule of activity. Use spots like those of "Len", the grand seigneur of self-spotting:
DX de KN6LEN 28600.0 KN6LEN WEST COAST listening for dx 1710Z
Actually, self-spots may be very important second order information, just of another kind: they mark the few moments when the spotter realizes who he is and where he is on his dial at the same time. One should be aware that "spot yourself" is free translation of the famous antique greek motto "gnóthi seautón" ascribed to Thales of Milet.
2b) BINGO-Spots
Let others know about your successful DX-operations. If the DX-station was already spotted fifty times before, just make your spots unique by personalizing them. An excellent method to make others envy you are the so-called BINGO-spots:
DX de ID1OT: 3799.0 XY7Z BIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGGOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1255Z
DX de DA7ZLE: 3799.0 XY7Z my DXCC # 333 1256Z
DX de SW8NK: 3799.0 XY7Z NEW ONE !!!!!!! 1257Z
DX de M0RON: 3799.0 XY7Z WKD ON 23 BANDS !!!! 1257Z
DX de AL1AR: 3799.0 XY7Z wkd without antenna !! 1258Z
Or even better, make the cluster a show room for all the fabulous qsl cards you have recently received:
DX de N1NNY: 21225.0 P5/4L4FN rcvd QSL, my #345, nice color card! Tnx Ed! 2048Z
Such spots will easily elicit the attention you need and deserve. For example, an impressed fellow-DXer might respond:
DX de DO0FUS: 21225.0 P5/4L4FN congrats N1NNY, you are a great op!! 2050Z
Further reading: Wilhelm Busch: "Das tapfere Schneiderlein" (The brave little taylor)
2c) Digg the cluster not the bands
Look for DX-stations on the cluster. Never waste time by searching the bands yourself.
2d) Attracting DX-stations through spotting
A clever strategy of cluster-aided DX-ing is to seek the attention of the DX-station by placing cluster spots and anouncements. Since landline access and plenty of computer equipment is obligatory at DX-locations, you can expect any DX-station to monitor the cluster permanently. Invite the DX-station to your frequency by anouncements like:
YT1ZFW -> ALL: To LU1ZA Pse luck for YT7ZDX & YT1ZFW on 14095 73 Tnx!
YT1ZFW -> ALL: To JX7DFA Per Please QSO rtty,I need JX for rtty dxcc!Tnx
Or simply tell others to make the DX-station come to your favored band:
DL1QSL -> ALL: Pse ask VU7DX for QSY to 20, need VU7 on 20!!!!!!Tnx
2e) Global players without antennas
Not owning shortwave equipment does not mean you should renounce to become a global player in the DX-community. Just put fantasy DX-spots on the cluster or retype cluster spots you see. Start discussions by full anouncements. Being a so-called cluster crab will make your life more colorful and make your call famous within a few weeks. Find more about DX-ing, the optimal use of the DX-cluster, and how to apply for becoming crab of the month (crab nomination has been discontinued).
2f) DX-peditions rely on YOUR opinion
DX-peditioners are people enjoying life and traveling around sponsored and pampered by generous DX-organizations. Usually they have no idea (and they don't care) whats going on on the bands. Therefore, it is important that you share your opinions and complaints about DX-peditioners with the whole community. The best place is on the DX-frequency itself, but you should also consider to state comments as DX spots or AN/FULL anouncements in the cluster. You may use fantasy calls for postings. Examples:
DawgX 14200.0 TI9M have no mike for SSB? TI91304 21 Feb 2002
DawgX 21000.0 TI9M Very bad operation ... TI91811 21 Feb 2002
In the course of a major DX-pedition one can discern two typical phases that the opinion of our club members passes through:
I) whining and complaining phase: "poor operators"
II) dazzling phase: "great guys, got them on 20 bands"
E' stupendo! ROTFL ROTFL!
Carino vero ? I "bingo" son quelli che "amo" (odio) di più e quanti italiani ne abusano !
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