Thursday, May 29, 2008

What if... I was living on Mars ?

It is year 2020 and we have been able to build a spaceship that will take us to Mars. The scientists are worried about over population on earth and would like to design a futuristic, self sustaining city on Mars. Your job is design this city. So the task, if you and your team of specialists decide to choose it, is to design a life sustaining city on Mars.

1. You will need to investigate what it takes for a community of people to live and survive on the planet. Don't forget important issues such as: How will you get air? Food? Water? And what other essentials will be needed to sustain life? Researching websites about Mars for information will be helpful in planning and designing your city.

2. From this information you can then concept a city plan. Your city plan must include houses, shops, businesses and a way to transport resources needed from Earth. Include any other structures you feel necessary to create your city, but you must explain why you feel they are needed in your city. Will your city hold up to any weather or other problems on Mars? Will there be transportation? If so, what kind?

3. Write a plan that explains all the different areas and your reason for the city design.

4. Create a drawing of the layout of your city’s design to provide a visual of your city concept. The drawing may be by hand or computer but it must be original.

Join the competition (if you are between 11 and 18 years old and live in the United States or Canada) here.

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