Friday, November 28, 2008

Varese risuona nell'etere

P29NI: the slideslow

While awaiting for the movie from the expedition filmed by Derek G3KHZ (I am going to edit it as I did for the previous P2 trips) here is a slideshow of some pics.

UJX Enthusiastic

If you are a fan of the I1UJX's vertical antenna (like me) join the UJX Enthusiastic group on Facebook. Btw you have to be a Facebook user ! TNX ELV for the info.

Friday, November 21, 2008

DXTelnet 32 (5.5)

IK4VYX, Fabrizio, announces that a new version of DXTelnet32 (5.5) is ready for download at This new version provides full support to the new DXSummit through DXPlorer32. For more info, you can contact Fabrizio at dxtelnet (at)

tnx jqj/adh

Thursday, November 20, 2008

AS-199 New one

AS-NEW Activation
India Andhra Pradesh South State Group
According G3GMA ==> AS-199

Dates: 2008, December 05. - 07. (72 h)
Modes/Bands: SSB/CW on 80/40/20/17/15/12/10 - unfortunately NO 30m operation possible (special permit needed) due to Indian HAM laws
Stations/Equipment: 2 Stations (probably occasionally 3rd)  Elecraft k2/100, Elecraft K3/100, ICOM IC7000 Yagis,dipoles/verticals
Operators: VU3RSB, VU3FRK (DL4KQ), 2 more Indian Hams
QSL Route: Buro/Direct W3HNK (Both Americas) Buro/Direct DL4KQ (Rest)

Activation requires long voyage through/to Indian boondocks - start/end of operation may slightly vary


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

ARI SWL manager

Ho già comunicato a chi di dovere che non accetterò la carica di manager SWL ARI per molte ragioni che non starò certo a spiegare qui (alcuni degli interessati si offenderebbero e magari qualcun altro passerebbe alle vie legali hi) ma ritengo che prima andrebbero chiariti i motivi per cui mi son visto costretto ad allontanarmi dall'Associazione. Che nella riunione del CDN io sia stato all'unanimità indicato come manager SWL non significa che io automaticamente mi dimentichi del trattamento subito dalla precedente gestione. Sono ancora un non-socio e, come tale, voglio restare ancora un po' alla finestra ed osservare gli eventi. E poi pare che ci siano delle interessanti alternative all'ARI, soprattutto per chi, come me, era molto interessato al traffico QSL. Vedremo.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Few news (see below) from Nicolas F4EGX who is FT5YI (Terre Adelie). You can see some photo on his web site as:

Best wishes, Jean-Michel F6AJA

I will try to do few hours at the station during this night between Saturday and Sunday.
I hope to have some contact with Europe this afternoon.
I cannot do that every day due to the workload, very busy 7 days per week!

I will be this saturday on 14267 +/- QRM between 13z to 17z.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

IK0YYY Consulente al Ministero

Nel mese di Ottobre, il direttore generale del Ministero delle Comunicazioni. Dott. Giovanni Bruno, ha nominato consulente per le attività di Radioamatore, in seno al Ministero, Luca Ferrara IK0YYY. Nell'augurargli buon lavoro, ecco il link per approfondire.

P29NI: my 1000th IOTA !

Thanks to the P29NI's team this is my 1000th IOTA (OC-041)!

And this is the P29NI QSL from OC-181

TNX Derek for the samples.

Monday, November 10, 2008


If you want to see some photos about the expédition by french guys in Bhutan with A5100A call sign please look at and choose an album.

Best wishes, Jean-Michel F6AJA

DX Summit Alert

The Old OH2AQ DX Summit Goes Offline November 19, 2008 at 1000 UTC. The new DX Summit website at debuted on May 23, 2008. The site has been redeveloped from the ground up and uses the latest technology available. The new DX Summit has been ramping up steadily and today the number of hits is approaching 1 million a day. In addition to providing the same functionality as the old DX Summit, the new platform offers the necessary flexibility to easily add new features which are currently on the drawing board. The old DX Summit homepage at redirects users to the new DX Summit website. However, all the old DX Summit data pages are still online but the trend for daily hits has decreased, as we expected. The number still remains high but the time has come to shut down the old DX Summit machine which may cause your software to stop working. To try and maintain compatibility with older software which may no longer be supported, the new DX Summit includes a series of DX spot webpages which are 100% HTML compatible with the same pages on the old DX Summit. Simply changing the URLs in your software according to the information below should keep it working with the new DX Summit. If your software does not allow you to edit the URLs, please contact the author of your software and ask them to change the URLs according to the information below.

URLs to change

Latest 25 DX spots page
Old URL:
New URL:

Latest 1000 DX spots page
Old URL:
New URL:

Latest 10000 DX spots page
Old URL:
New URL:

Software authors who wish to implement data exchange with the new DX Summit should visit for information on data formats and URLs. If your software does not work with the new DX Summit, we encourage you to forward this information to the author of the software you are using. We hope all software relying on the DX Summit can be successfully updated to work with the new DX Summit. We look forward to providing you with this valuable DX resource for many years to come!

73, OH8X Team

Sunday, November 09, 2008

P29NI: online logs

The logs for both OC-181 and OC-041 are on the website.
Thanks Derek G3KHZ

Saturday, November 08, 2008

P29NI: back home

Hi Maury,  Home again and today I have been busy designing the QSL cards.  Thanks for all your help with the website.  I had a look at that in Singapore.  We had a great time and I gather our signals were strong from the Hermits.  A pity we lost a day there due to bad weather.  We nearly lost two more days there.  We were asked not the use the radios on Friday night and Saturday because the islanders are Seventh Day Adventists.  It took some delicate negotiations to clear that problem!   I hope Skip will write the story for us.  He seems to have a flair for it.  I will let you have copies of the mini-DV tapes and the still pictures as soon as possible.  I was the only one with a camcorder because Luis did not join us. I have lots to do.  I will be in touch again soon. 73 Derek

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Sito ARI !!!

Sul sito ARI è comparso questo messaggio:

Servizio temporaneamente sospeso in attesa
chiarimenti e di pagamenti arretrati.

Web Hosting - Web Logic S.r.L.

Incredibile ! Che si metta in piazza (sul sito dell'Associazione!!!) le faccende private è semplicemente vergognoso. Ma già molti mesi fa su questo stesso blog scrissi a proposito del WebMaster di allora che censurò un mio messaggio sul Forum e la questione mi portò al rifiuto di pagare la quota associativa per il 2008.
Oggi per quello che vedo sul sito una sola esortazione: basta !

PS: questo argomento è stato discusso anche su ARIFidenza ma tutti i post sono stati cancellati. Quando si dice libertà di parola sui Forum.

Tornando questa sera sul sito ARI trovo una pagina arrangiata in modo abbastanza frettoloso con un sottofondo musicale che si potrebbe tranquillamente evitare ed i soliti pulsanti animati che si usavano diversi anni fa nei siti amatoriali. D'altronde chi è stato designato come nuovo WebMaster ha nel suo portfolio siti di questo genere. Un po' di eleganza in più non guasterebbe. Meno lampeggi, meno animated gif e più semplicità. Qui si è usato un po' di java e flash con l'applicativo trendyflash se non vado errato. Nell'andare a vedere più in profondità i framesets il server risponde:

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

Se la macchina ha già raggiunto i limiti di banda per qualche visitatore di troppo allora è meglio pensare ad un ridimensionamento del server ! Forza che pian piano ce la facciamo, è un diesel, bisogna scaldarlo prima di partire come si deve.

PS: degne di attenzione le keywords usate (ari, radioamatori, iaru, itu, ente morale, contest, dx, cluster, club, swl, bcl). Bene, insistiamo su questo Ente Morale che in questi ultimi tempi ha lasciato un po' a desiderare.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

P29NI from OC-025

Hi Maury, There may be a few hours of operation from Lorengue, Manus.  We will be there nearly 24 hours and Skip has a Sigma antenna available. We made a total of 4181 Qs on Garove and 6432 on Hermits. 73 Derek

Monday, November 03, 2008

P29NI: end game

Hi Maury, We have better comms on the boat now. Some emails never got sent. Monday morning 0930 local we vacated the island. Lost an anchor yesterday and skipper dived just now and found it! We will be in Manus tomorrow staying one night. No radio operation from there. Wednesday we fly to Port Moresby and Thursday fly home. I get into Heathrow very early Friday. 73 Derek (website)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

9L1X: the movie

P29NI on 160mt

Skip W5GAI & Al AD6E QRV 160 every day dark to daylight. Openings spotty. QRN horrible. Few NA heard, but many EU & Asia wkd. Nearing 1000 Q's on 160. de Skip W5GAI