Here is a sample of the video I edited for the trip of Derek G3KHZ in the remotest islands of Papua New Guinea (IOTA OC-256, OC-283, OC-284) together with SM6CVX, CT1AGF, G4EDG. The entire video lasts 25 minutes and will be presented by Derek durin Ham Conventions.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Visit Ducie island for $4,400

Photo: Sunrise over Palmerston Lagoon
Thursday, February 28, 2008
USB AM/FM radio

An island to oneself (OC-080)

The Island of Desire (OC-062)

"Chapter I : In a past inconceivably remote it must have been the peak of a volcano, jutting from the midst of a sea whose solitude was broken only by flocks of migrating birds, a pod of sperm whales lumbering down from the Austral ice fields, or the intangible things of the mythic world; the spirits of Storm, Fair Weather, Night, Day, and Dawn. Coral polyps attached themselves to the steep walls of the volcano to build their submarine gardens a mile or more to sea, surrounding the island with a reef and shallow lagoon; then erosion, the battering of the Pacific combers, and subsidence, until finally the volcano had disappeared, leaving a blue lagoon shimmering in the sunlight, a barrier reef threaded with islets and
sand cays; Danger Island, or Puka-Puka--Land of Little Hills...."
Read here the full story
Photo: Pukapuka from the air (
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Adventures of Zack and Max

 is the newest site to hit the world of Amateur Radio. is an auction site with a difference. Rather than plain old vanilla auctions, takes into account the needs and requirements of the radio ham and includes 'Wanted' posts and even a 'Swap' button to add to your items you have for sale. Anyone with something to swap for your items, will make themselves and what they have known! Currently, all posts (including the front page) will be completley free, no fees at all. Give it a try it's totally free and it's for you to enjoy. The site launches 1st March 2008.
Il mio ultimo 40&80
Ieri, 26 febbraio ho consegnato i risultati del contest 2007 a Giuseppe IT9BLB per la pubblicazione su RR che avverrà secondo i tempi a sua disposizione (forse giugno). Ho cercato di sfornarli nel più breve tempo possibile per dimostrare che tutta la polemica sui declared scores era totalmente fuori luogo. Valeva la pena aspettare qualche settimana in più ed evitare certi veleni per avere i definitivi, senza fare tante ipotesi su punteggi che comunque andavano verificati e corretti. L'amarezza per alcuni messaggi ricevuti sul forum 40&80 è uno dei motivi che mi induce a lasciare questo manageriato. Io ho un'altra idea circa la cortesia e l'educazione tra radioamatori e quest'anno certe parole sono volate troppo in alto. So per certo che alcuni individui amano creare la polemica ma non riuscirebbero a gestire un manageriato per sei anni con la stessa passione e dedizione che io ho dedicato dal 2002. Non ultime la vicenda del Forum ARI dal quale sono escluso ormai da mesi mi ha veramente deluso: nessuno dei componenti il CDN è intervenuto o mi ha comunque scritto o invitato PMR a riabilitarmi l'accesso. Non ho più pagato la quota ARI, ritengo di non essere più socio per il 2008, interrompendo quindi un rituale di rinnovo che si ripeteva da moltissimi anni. Ma non approvo più questa Associazione, non mi piacciono le persone, non mi piacciono le beghe sui bilanci, non mi piace il sito web, non mi piace più questo mondo fatto di complotti, sgambetti, dimissioni, ricorsi, tribunali. Dov'è finita la passione per questo nostro hobby ? Possibile che con tutte le ramificazioni del radiantismo si perda l' interesse quando si arriva a sedere su certe poltrone ? Vado a sfogliare il log di VP6DX e trovo con piacevole sorpresa che IT9ZGY, radioamaotre dal 1952, ha fatto ben 13 QSO con la spedizione. Bravo, complimenti, ha ancora voglia di radio, si può dire altrettanto degli altri ? C'è una YL emergente, figlia d'arte, le cui uniche trasmissioni forse sono quelle su una TV satellitare perchè anche lei, nel log di VP6DX non c'è, ma forse ci sarà nelle prossime liste elettorali ARI. Non ci sono nemmeno io, ma per scelta, la mia attività è ancora e sempre quella di SWL e per giunta non sono figlio d'arte. Ecco perchè sono arrivato al punto di passare il testimone a qualcun'altro, che spero possa ben gestire il 40&80, un contest che ancora appassiona dopo ben 41 edizioni. Ho già comunicato la mia decisione al presidente della Sezione ARI di Bologna ed ho anche anticipato che non sarò presente alla cerimonia di premiazione in quanto, nella stessa weekend, saranno ospiti due spedizionieri, che in nov-dic-gen sono stati attivi da CX, LU, ZP, VK, ZL e che desidero evitare in ogni modo. Complimenti sin da ora ai vincitori del 40&80 ed un sincero grazie a tutti i partecipanti di questa e delle edizioni precedenti.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dopo ben nove anni finalmente sono arrivate le QSL di BI5D (AS-141) e BI7Y (AS-143) da BA1DU. E' sempre bello quando arriva una busta che contiene new-ones, quando addirittura ce ne sono due in una spedizione unica c'è quasi da brindare. Adesso si tratta di ricevere AS-094. Cosa bisogna fare per smuovere questi cinesi ? Per fortuna nel Box ho trovato anche la conferma per NA-064. Pian pianino mi avvicino ai 1000.
VP6DX ed i suoi records
Avrete già sicuramente letto in diversi blogs e nel sito ufficiale circa i diversi records battuti (e sbandierati a dovere) dalla spedizione a Ducie. Nel rileggere il bollettino numero 8 del 23 gennaio mi soffermo al paragrafo due : Costs, cash flow and donors dove leggo (quasi inorridendo) che i costi totali per la spedizione ammontano a 330.000 dollari usa (e questo esclude i costi sostenuti da ogni operatore per arrivare e rispartire da Mangareva). Nella nostra moneta sono 200,000 euro, ovvero 400 milioni del nostro vecchio conio. Tutte questo per una spedizione che sicuramente sta riscuotendo moltissimi consensi grazie all'ottimo lavoro fatto dal team sull'isola. A questo punto viene quasi spontaneo pensare che erano abbastanza scontati questi records battuti. L'importante è avere una destinazione appetibile, un team ricco, antenne importanti, lineari e tanto tempo per stare incollati alle radio e macinare QSO, tanto sull'isola c'è nient'altro da fare. Ed ovviamente un budget imponente. Sarei curioso di sapere quanti soldini ricupereranno con le QSL. Ci sono molte stazioni che hanno fatto 20 QSO con VP6DX (praticamente tutte le bande e tutti i modi tranne i 6 metri). Metteranno nella busta almeno un "pezzo" da dieci o un misero IRC con SASE ? Contemporaneamente leggo che la New York Philarmonic Orchestra si esibisce in North Korea per un evento diplomatico culturale. Se questa è una apertura importante allora perchè non sognare già una prossima attività da P5 (che è al primo posto dei most wanted) magari da parte di qualche opportunista come quelli visti di recenti in YU8 ? O magari un bel team di monaci a Monte Athos che è al quattordicesimo posto. Costa meno e purifica lo spirito.
Friday, February 22, 2008
DXers: masters of lightning
Questo è un estratto da un bell'articolo datato 2002 (autore "iceowl") sull'argomento DX. Non so quanto può essere comprensibile ad un profano ma sicuramente è chiarissimo per noi del settore. Mi piace sottolineare questo paragrafo che illumina bene la situazione attuale del Kosovo e tutte le polemiche che si stanno creando circa la validità per il DXCC (la mia opinione personale è di assoluto stupore: c'è chi accusa Martti di non avere una valida licenza ma son convinto che alla fine le carte salteranno fuori, magari retrodatate !).
The DXCC List
The ARRLs DXCC list is not static. There is a long list of rules that apply to define a "country". A quick coup d' etat or minor revolution does not a country make to the ARRL. A government must have some means to issue a radio license in accordance with the International Telecommunications Union for a country to be recognized. That means the United Nations must recognize its existence, which makes things difficult for hams contacting Taiwan.
As countries fracture or are conquered, the list must change to reflect this. For instance, Czechoslovakia had been a single DXCC entity before its dissolution to the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. People who had Czechoslovakia as one of their confirmed contacts suddenly found themselves with an invalid country in their QSL deck. Now they had to go contact two countries to make up for the hole in their honor roll list caused by the fall of the communist empire. This caused some people to fall off the honor roll. Falling off the honor roll is cause for several suicide attempts per year.
E nemmeno a farlo apposta ecco uno spezzone dal paragrafo DXpeditions:
The world's most famous DXpeditioner must be the Finn, Martti Laine, whose call sign OH2BH is virtually a prayer to DXers. Martti activated some of the most difficult and dangerous ARRL countries in the 1980's and '90s. His work with Nokia as a sales rep brought him to many exotic locales, and he never traveled without a radio.
But in his spare time, Martti activated such terrible places as the South Sandwich Islands, Bouvet Island, Albania before the Yugoslavian split, and actually operated radio out of a hotel in North Korea for a few days before his equipment was confiscated by the military. Accomplishing some of these feats required cold-weather mountaineering skills, chartering ice breakers and helicopters, riding out hurricanes in Scott Tents pitched on solid rock, and negotiating for his life with paranoidal dictators.
His exploits are detailed in his self-published book, "Where Will You Go Next?"
Seguono altri paragrafi quali The equipment, The Mania and Death of DXing, The Radio Dream and DX Clubs. "iceowl" è anche autore di due articoli su QST. Ripeto il link dove leggere l'articolo.
The DXCC List
The ARRLs DXCC list is not static. There is a long list of rules that apply to define a "country". A quick coup d' etat or minor revolution does not a country make to the ARRL. A government must have some means to issue a radio license in accordance with the International Telecommunications Union for a country to be recognized. That means the United Nations must recognize its existence, which makes things difficult for hams contacting Taiwan.
As countries fracture or are conquered, the list must change to reflect this. For instance, Czechoslovakia had been a single DXCC entity before its dissolution to the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. People who had Czechoslovakia as one of their confirmed contacts suddenly found themselves with an invalid country in their QSL deck. Now they had to go contact two countries to make up for the hole in their honor roll list caused by the fall of the communist empire. This caused some people to fall off the honor roll. Falling off the honor roll is cause for several suicide attempts per year.
E nemmeno a farlo apposta ecco uno spezzone dal paragrafo DXpeditions:
The world's most famous DXpeditioner must be the Finn, Martti Laine, whose call sign OH2BH is virtually a prayer to DXers. Martti activated some of the most difficult and dangerous ARRL countries in the 1980's and '90s. His work with Nokia as a sales rep brought him to many exotic locales, and he never traveled without a radio.
But in his spare time, Martti activated such terrible places as the South Sandwich Islands, Bouvet Island, Albania before the Yugoslavian split, and actually operated radio out of a hotel in North Korea for a few days before his equipment was confiscated by the military. Accomplishing some of these feats required cold-weather mountaineering skills, chartering ice breakers and helicopters, riding out hurricanes in Scott Tents pitched on solid rock, and negotiating for his life with paranoidal dictators.
His exploits are detailed in his self-published book, "Where Will You Go Next?"
Seguono altri paragrafi quali The equipment, The Mania and Death of DXing, The Radio Dream and DX Clubs. "iceowl" è anche autore di due articoli su QST. Ripeto il link dove leggere l'articolo.
500,000,000 Firefox
In honor of the 500 million download mark we're celebrating by raising 500,000,000 grains of rice in one day to help feed the world's poor. Since we have reached the milestone, it is time to flock to and attempt to push the days total over 1/2 billion. This is just a foreshadow to where one day Firefox will be. Food for thought, uh, better yet, Food for Lives; if we reach 500 million grains of rice, that's a direct contribution in feeding 25,000 people for one day!
Donate now,
Thursday, February 21, 2008
E' con notevole dispiacere che vedo il nominativo di Rod Dinkins nella pagina principale di eHam nella colonna Friends Remembered. Credo che tutti i navigatori su Internet nelle pagine dedicate al nostro hobby conoscano il suo famosissimo sito, credo la raccolta più esaustiva di links a siti radioamatoriali. Una miniera di informazioni, ben catalogate ed aggiornate. 700 argomenti, 6000 links, 132 pagine cita la sua homepage. Dalla A (Antennas) alla Z (Zones). Nella 425toolbar il sito AC6V è alla terza posizione dei links, dopo ARRL e RSGB. Non so chi potrà ereditare il suo lavoro ma credo sia giusto ricordarlo per il grande sforzo fatto fino a due settimane fa.


Technorati Tags: ac6v
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
NUE-PSK production update
Sarò uno dei primi italiani a ricevere il NUE-PSK (avendo fatto l'ordine prima dell'inizio ufficiale delle vendite), il modem digitale che permette di operare in PSK senza l'ausilio di un PC. Da buon pioniere del PSK non potevo farmi sfuggire questa opportunità. Ieri l'American QRP Club ha comunicato quanto segue: We have qualified the production units coming off the assembly line and this week they being programmed, tested, and packed up. We expect the first units to start shipping by the end of this week, and we'll quickly ramp up to get everyone's orders out the door just as fast as our little volunteer fingers can make it happen. All of the first "EBS" orders will ship first, followed by the general orders in the order in which they were received. Thanks for everyone's patience ... we're almost there! ~n2apb Sarà il momento per iniziare a riscaldare il mio FT100 e prepararmi a qualche QSO per testare il mio nuovo giocattolino.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
One click search
Do you know that the 425toolbar gives you
the fastest way to search
Latest Spots
QSL managers
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with just one click ? Give it a try:

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the fastest way to search


Latest Spots
QSL managers
eBay nobids
with just one click ? Give it a try:

free on your Explorer or Firefox browser.
Monday, February 18, 2008
cocoaModem for Mac
cocoaModem is a MacOS X application which implements modems (modulator-demodulators) for some of the Amateur Radio modulation modes
cocoaModem 2.0 currently supports the following modulation modes and interfaces
There is also a basic contest interface in cocoaModem for the RTTY and PSK modes. The contest interface is not meant for serious contesting; it provides a simple interface for casual exchanges in a contest and provides Cabrillo export for a few digital mode contests.
The cocoaModem application is free and can be downloaded here.
Source here.
cocoaModem 2.0 currently supports the following modulation modes and interfaces
basic RTTY interface
narrowband two-receiver RTTY interface
wideband two-receiver RTTY interface
- Hellschreiber
Feld Hell
FM Hell 105
FM Hell 245
- CW
wideband two-receiver CW interface
- SITOR-B reception
- HF-FAX reception
- Synchronous AM reception
There is also a basic contest interface in cocoaModem for the RTTY and PSK modes. The contest interface is not meant for serious contesting; it provides a simple interface for casual exchanges in a contest and provides Cabrillo export for a few digital mode contests.
The cocoaModem application is free and can be downloaded here.
Source here.
L'SWR 1:1 di UJX
Che Giovanni I1UJX facesse mitiche verticali l'ho potuto constatare sulla mia pelle avendole usate in tutte le mie attività portatili (8Q7, T88, V8, 9M8) ed anche dal carissimo amico Derek G3KHZ nelle attività IOTA da P29. Per chi avesse ancora dubbi sulla perfezione delle bobine, guardate i grafici che Manu IZ2ELV presenta nel suo blog. Mitico UJX !

Disappoitment with the 9X0 operation
Ricevo questa comunicazione dell'amico Fabrizio, IN3ZNR, facente parte del team 9X0R:
Team members of the multinational dxpedition to Rwanda, 9X0R, express their disagreement and disappointment to the three German operators who are operating from Rwanda now, because the only important thing for those three hams, it seems, is to be the first regardless of anything else.
As everyone knows, it was almost impossible to get a license in Rwanda. After 6 months of hard work, I reached an in-person interview with the Head of RURA, the department of Rwanda’s Government that deals with affairs of radio, and, risking my previous work and the full cost of this trip, I went to talk to the head of the RURA .
Before my trip to Kigali everything related with amateur radio (licensing included) was frozen . RURA Officials were fearful of amateur radio activities and they had not much interest in this matter. They didn’t know how to make a license, or conditions or standards to apply or protocols to follow, problems which were solved thanks to the work done by Peter Stabusch and myself in those frenetic days of the beginning of this year. So they start to establish the Rules to follow for obtaining the amateur license and at the same time they prepared my 9X0R license.
I am a member of the German DX Foundation and since my appointment with the head of RURA was confirmed past December, I sent an email to GDXF Secretary informing him about my plans and told him that I would like to have another GDXF member in my team. I was communicating this way to my friends in the GDXF, including its President,DJ9ZB, telling them about my plans without hiding anything because I was thinking that all GDXF members we are gentlemen.
Today, thanks to the work others have done, DJ6SI, DK2WV and DJ9ZB have been able to get their 9X0 licenses so quickly, at the same time counting us for nothing, although simple domestic education means, at least, informing us about their intentions… I suppose that their only aim was to go there and get on the air before us regardless of anything else.
This is something I would never have done because of my moral principles, my ethical principles and my education.
9X0R members want to express our revulsion towards this kind of practice. We will continue with our plans of doing the Dxpedition as it was planned and helping to establish amateur radio in Rwanda as well as Rwanda Amateur Radio Union in the Republic of Rwanda and donating materials for the future Kigali's radio club station so that young people of Rwanda could get acquainted with the world of Amateur Radio and would be able to learn about international friendship through our hobby.
Therefore, I ask everyone of you that, if you spend your time on calling 9X0X-DJ6SI, 9X0W-DK2WV or 9X0Z-DJ9ZB pile-ups , just think and remember which kind of hams you are trying to contact. We, 9X0R members, still believe in the gentlemen hams and we are against those who believe that anything is valid looking to be first.
The 9X0R will return to the German DX Foundation the funds donated by it because we believe that the actions of its President, DJ9ZB, are not the proper ones to promote amateur radio, DX and dxpeditions.
Antonio Gonzalez EA5RM - 9X0R
Disappointment with the operation DJ6SI, DK2WV and DJ9ZB from Rwanda.
Team members of the multinational dxpedition to Rwanda, 9X0R, express their disagreement and disappointment to the three German operators who are operating from Rwanda now, because the only important thing for those three hams, it seems, is to be the first regardless of anything else.
As everyone knows, it was almost impossible to get a license in Rwanda. After 6 months of hard work, I reached an in-person interview with the Head of RURA, the department of Rwanda’s Government that deals with affairs of radio, and, risking my previous work and the full cost of this trip, I went to talk to the head of the RURA .
Before my trip to Kigali everything related with amateur radio (licensing included) was frozen . RURA Officials were fearful of amateur radio activities and they had not much interest in this matter. They didn’t know how to make a license, or conditions or standards to apply or protocols to follow, problems which were solved thanks to the work done by Peter Stabusch and myself in those frenetic days of the beginning of this year. So they start to establish the Rules to follow for obtaining the amateur license and at the same time they prepared my 9X0R license.
I am a member of the German DX Foundation and since my appointment with the head of RURA was confirmed past December, I sent an email to GDXF Secretary informing him about my plans and told him that I would like to have another GDXF member in my team. I was communicating this way to my friends in the GDXF, including its President,DJ9ZB, telling them about my plans without hiding anything because I was thinking that all GDXF members we are gentlemen.
Today, thanks to the work others have done, DJ6SI, DK2WV and DJ9ZB have been able to get their 9X0 licenses so quickly, at the same time counting us for nothing, although simple domestic education means, at least, informing us about their intentions… I suppose that their only aim was to go there and get on the air before us regardless of anything else.
This is something I would never have done because of my moral principles, my ethical principles and my education.
9X0R members want to express our revulsion towards this kind of practice. We will continue with our plans of doing the Dxpedition as it was planned and helping to establish amateur radio in Rwanda as well as Rwanda Amateur Radio Union in the Republic of Rwanda and donating materials for the future Kigali's radio club station so that young people of Rwanda could get acquainted with the world of Amateur Radio and would be able to learn about international friendship through our hobby.
Therefore, I ask everyone of you that, if you spend your time on calling 9X0X-DJ6SI, 9X0W-DK2WV or 9X0Z-DJ9ZB pile-ups , just think and remember which kind of hams you are trying to contact. We, 9X0R members, still believe in the gentlemen hams and we are against those who believe that anything is valid looking to be first.
The 9X0R will return to the German DX Foundation the funds donated by it because we believe that the actions of its President, DJ9ZB, are not the proper ones to promote amateur radio, DX and dxpeditions.
Antonio Gonzalez EA5RM - 9X0R



I4LCK leading Zone 15
Nell corsa al collegamento su tutte le bande/modi con VP6DX il mitico Franco I4LCK è attualmente il leader della Zona 15 con 15 collegamenti e precede S58N ed altri sette OM tutti con 14 QSO. Per entrare nei top 100 mondiali a Franco servirebbero ancora almeno due QSO in 10 e 12 metri. Ecco un valido esempio di come la passione per la radio non tramonta mai. Bravo !
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Aether logging software for Mac
Aether is a ham radio logging application for Mac OS X by Open Reel Software. Aether includes tools to quickly and easily log QSOs while on the air, as well as organize, search and track your QSOs later. Aether was designed for Mac OS X, and has the same kind of clean, intuitive, friendly interface you've come to expect on the Mac. Here are some of Aether's features: Instant search, Cabrillo/ADIF import and export, Mail and address book integration, Spotlight integration, Automatic callbook lookup, rig control via RS232, Automatic dupe checking, Google maps. Aether supports most Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu rigs.


Abkhazia and South Ossetia after Kosovo ?
Dall'Armenian News leggo che fonti russi ipotizzano una apertura verso l'indipendenza delle regioni Georgiane di Abkhazia e South Ossetia se l'Occidente riconoscerà l'indipendenza del Kosovo. Il ministro per gli esteri russo ha così detto: "We will, without doubt, have to take into account a declaration and recognition of Kosovo independence in connection with the situation in Abkhazia and South Ossetia".
Ed a proposito del Kosovo la dichiarazione di indipendenza da parte del premier Hashim Thaci è slittata a domenica (avrebbe dovuto proclamarla oggi). Chi non immagina già i "soliti noti" OH2AM e OH2BH sui blocchi di partenza ? Vista la recente attività da FJ io già me liimmagino in qualche albergo di Pristina con verticali e rtx a scaldare tasti, microfoni e lineari. Ma presumo che altri OM locali siano altrettanto pronti ad infiammare le frequenze con questa nuova entità DXCC, la numero 339. E vai con i green stamps !!!
Ed a proposito del Kosovo la dichiarazione di indipendenza da parte del premier Hashim Thaci è slittata a domenica (avrebbe dovuto proclamarla oggi). Chi non immagina già i "soliti noti" OH2AM e OH2BH sui blocchi di partenza ? Vista la recente attività da FJ io già me liimmagino in qualche albergo di Pristina con verticali e rtx a scaldare tasti, microfoni e lineari. Ma presumo che altri OM locali siano altrettanto pronti ad infiammare le frequenze con questa nuova entità DXCC, la numero 339. E vai con i green stamps !!!

This image is a copy of kosovo_rel_92.jpg, a map from the map collection of the Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL) of the University of Texas at Austin.
YL operation in Falkland Islands
Hi Everyone,
I have joined up on this board (LadiesOnTheAir)to let you all know about a YL only operation we are organising from the Falkland Islands in Jan 2009. There are still a couple of places left if anyone would like to join in. We are set up on Echolink under my husband's call VP8LP (it comes under the UK section) or you will probably find him spotted lots on the DX cluster if you want to catch up on HF. Thanks to Victoria SV2KBS for her enthusiasm on this expedition. Hope to hear from a few of you soon.
Janet, VP8AIB
I have joined up on this board (LadiesOnTheAir)to let you all know about a YL only operation we are organising from the Falkland Islands in Jan 2009. There are still a couple of places left if anyone would like to join in. We are set up on Echolink under my husband's call VP8LP (it comes under the UK section) or you will probably find him spotted lots on the DX cluster if you want to catch up on HF. Thanks to Victoria SV2KBS for her enthusiasm on this expedition. Hope to hear from a few of you soon.
Janet, VP8AIB
Guess the rig

Nel film di prossima uscita The Bank Job compare un ricetrasmettitore degli anni 70 (?) che presumibilmente è un Yaesu. Lo potete vedere a metà del trailer numero 5 sul sito del film Chi è in grado di indovinare di quale rtx si tratta ? Il film porta sul grande schermo un fatto vero, una rapina di 35 anni fa a Londra. I ladri che usano rtx portatili (mattoni con antenne estraibili hi!) vengono intercettati appunto con un Yaesu (?) ed a voi scoprirne il modello. Source.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
VP6DX 80 meters MP3
K2DBK nel suo blog ci fa sentire VP6DX in un file audio durante l'ascolto in 80 metri, cercando di passare nel pileup con 100w ed una G5RV ! E' molto bello come inizia il suo post "Se io fossi il tipico cluster crab circa 30 minuti fa avrei inserito uno spot comunicando il collegamento con VP6DX in 80M con un commento tipo Easy! o 100w col dipolo oppure ancora Bingooo", fortunatamente non sono uno di quelli..." e voi sapete quanto odio quelli che inseriscono gli spot per auto-acclamarsi col mondo intero. Che pena. David invece loda gli operatori a Ducie per la velocità dei collegamenti quasi fossero in contest. Gli sono occorsi dieci minuti di ascolto per capire chi stavano lavorando e piazzarsi al posto giusto affinchè potessero ascoltarlo, ed il punto è che l'hanno effettivamente udito nonostante le tante altre stazioni più potenti. Quindi non stanno solo dietro ai big guns ma anche alle little pistols.
VP6DX logs: la solita competizione

AS-New activations: who's interested?
From Islanchaser forum:
Hi @ all, late october '08 (time window oct. 19 - nov. 03) I might have the opportunity to get licenses/landing permits for 3 AS-New.
At least 1 (probably 2) groups could get activated on same trip.
Some mental "flexibility" would be needed due to typical late final confirmation (license/call/permit) there - this isn`t a country where one can plan "western style".
Decision to participate unfortunately needs to be made on the spot - paperwork must start immediately.
Who would be interested to join? 73 Frank, DL4KQ
At least 1 (probably 2) groups could get activated on same trip.
Some mental "flexibility" would be needed due to typical late final confirmation (license/call/permit) there - this isn`t a country where one can plan "western style".
Decision to participate unfortunately needs to be made on the spot - paperwork must start immediately.
Who would be interested to join? 73 Frank, DL4KQ
Energy Saving Day
What is Energy Saving Day
Energy Saving Day is an annual Italian communication campaign dedicated to saving energy that was launched on February 16 th , 2005. Energy Saving Day is sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment, Protection of Land and Sea, and the Ministry of Agricultural since its third edition on February 16 th , 2007.
Why on February 16 th ?
On the 16 th of February, 2005 the Kyoto Protocol, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from developed nations, came into force.
Who started the Energy Saving Day?
The initiative was first launched by Caterpillar, a popular and successful live radio program which reaches more than a million listeners per day. Caterpillar is broadcast by Radio2, the entertaining channel of RAI, the Italian Public Service Broadcaster. The program debuted on January 17 th , 1997. The program airs from 6pm to 7:30pm, Monday to Friday. Caterpillar deals with major issues and themes in the world in an informal and ironic way which aims at underlining contradictions and paradoxes in our society .
What is Energy Saving Day about?
Energy Saving Day
The day's philosophy is to convince as many people as possible to be dedicated to saving energy. It is asked that everybody reduce to the minimum of their own private energy use during the show's airtime from 6:00-7:30pm. By doing this the maximum visibility in the media and the largest participation by common people are concentrated on Energy Saving Day.
The most visible effect is created by the “energy silence” which consists in the symbolic turning-off of most important monuments and the main Italian city squares.
Institutions, general public, companies, shop-owners, schools, restaurants, gyms and any other kind of association will be participating in their own peculiar way: i.e. turning off shop window sign, computers or electronic equipment in laboratories, organizing candlelight dinners and so on.
Note: Being that February 16 th , 2008 is a Saturday the fourth Energy Saving Day will be held on Friday February 15 th , 2008. The main institutional sponsor will be the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea. In 2008 Energy Saving Day aims to be an international experience.
The education campaign
A month before the event will take place, during Caterpillar radio programme it will be explained what we can do to contribute to the initiative and moreover, how by changing our routine energy habits we may effectively reduce waste. Good practices, suggestions, hints and initiatives to emulate are described on Caterpillar by scientists and by common people. Hints explained by experts and “grandma's remedies” involve the audience in a thrilling, ethical and environmental competition of good practices.
The aim
Contrast the changing global climate.
Reach the less educated citizens on environmental issues.
Talk about energy saving through media with spectacular turn-outs.
Stimulate people to participate in order to feel important that they have also given their own personal contribution to change their energy use.
How to participate
Switching off lights and all of the non-vital electrical devices on the Energy Saving Day from 6pm to 7:30pm.
Sharing, during the show's program, one's personal contribution to improve the use of energy and resources such as electricity, heating, fuel and water.
Listening to private or administration experiences that have saved on their own budget therefore reducing wastes.
Inserting and writing on the show's website your own way to participate.
Downloading and spreading available on-line material of the program site (advertisements, posters and dialogues on saving).
Participating examples
The President of the Italian Republic, the Presidents of the Senate of Italy and the President of the Chamber of Deputies have turned off the lights of their sites in Quirinale, Palazzo Madama and Montecitorio.
These are the town administrations of the most important Italian cities joined the campaign: Rome has turned off The Colosseum, Pantheon and the Trevi Fountain; in Milan, the Cathedral, Palazzo Marino and Piazza della Scala; in Turin, the Mole (remarkable the switch-off during the Torino 2006 Olympics Games in 2006) and the Superga Basilica; in Verona, the Arena; in Florence, Palazzo Vecchio; in Bologna, Piazza Maggiore; in Venice, Piazza San Marco; in Naples, the Maschio Angioino; in Siena, Piazza del Campo; in Catania, Piazza Duomo; in Palermo, Piazza Pretoria; in Agrigento, Valle dei Templi.
The British Embassy, in Rome, joined the campaign re-enforcing their “Think Green” initiative which has looked at every aspect of the Embassy's activities to improve its environmental performance.
Thousands of restaurant owners have organized candle-light dinners and have offered menus prepared using low energy consumption, this, in 2007, was encouraged by a specific statement by the Ministry of Agriculture.City Hall meetings, association meetings, and sport team's trainings have been held in the dark.
In schools, students have been appointed in charge of energy saving. Evaluations of the use of energy by the school buildings have been made. Education meetings and lectures on energy savings have been held, according to the classes' level.
In stores and shopping centers - the reduction of shop window's illumination and the distribution of free kits on saving water and electricity.
Initiative success
The participation and the media impact of the initiative has been growing on a yearly basis.
Real savings of the day (as measured by the National Electricity Network) in 2006 was reduced by the equivalent of the daily consumption of a city the size of Turin. In 2007, it was as if 5 million lamps had been turned-off!
Strong visibility reached through the media (national and local press, news and radio news) for the message of the urgent need to change our energy policies.
Prizes and awards in environment communication have been obtained by the radio program's staff for this initiative.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Video finito, adesso il check
Ho finito il video per Derek G3KHZ del suo viaggio IOTA in P29 da OC-256/283/284 (quando l'avrà ricevuto ed approvato magari posterò su YouTube una versione ridottissima tanto per darne un assaggio) e così posso finalmente dedicarmi un po' di più al check dei logs 40&80. Attualmente sono al cross-check, quella fase in cui controllo due logs e guardo le differenze. Ho già "killato" i callsign spudoratamente errati e tutti i QSO fatti con II8IPY (non si possono usare nominativi speciali nel contest). Ho trovato anche diversi call IQ con più di 5 caratteri e poi dovrò affrontare i callsign con provincia errata. Più complicato è il controllo dei nominativi sbagliati (ad esempio I1CRR è sbagliato, quello giusto è IZ1CRR e così via). Quello è un controllo quasi ad occhio. Alla fine sono poi 565 logs i logs ricevuti e grazie alla pubblicazione dei declared sono arrivate alcune correzioni a categorie errate. A presto con altre news dal controllore, peraltro demotivato.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Censura Forum ARI: 223 giorni
Nessuna novità circa la mia riabilitazione al Forum ARI dal quale sono stato escluso il 3 luglio (fate una ricerca per parola "censura" in questo blog e capirete l'antefatto). Il 26 novembre SNY mandava messaggio a AWX, PVA e JQJ di mettere questa faccenda all'ordine del giorno della prossima riunione ma vedo su RR 2/2008 (forse l'ultima che riceverò) che nella riunione dell'11 gennaio non si è discusso di nulla. Presumo quindi che nessuno abbia messo l'argomento nell'ordine del giorno o molto più semplicemente che non freghi a nessuno che io sia escluso dal Forum ARI. Credo che alla luce degli avvenimenti odierni la domanda che scrissi allora sul forum sia più che mai di attualità:
A quando qualche commento ufficiale sulla situazione ARI ??
sito web (che da indiscrezioni pare essere costato una paccata di
soldi) è la voce telematica da/per i soci e sarebbe opportuno leggere
qualcosa di ufficiale sulla attuale tempesta in ARI, quanto meno per
conoscere la realtà dei fatti senza doverla leggere su blogs e forum
(che potrebbero essere di parte o fuorviare la realtà). Quando avremo
la possibilità di leggere qui qualcosa di concreto da parte di chi ha
preso il timone della barca piena di falle ? Mi sembrerebbe una giusta
mossa di trasparenza nei confronti di chi sostiene da anni
l'Associazione ancora illudendosi che sia un ente morale non a scopo di
sito web (che da indiscrezioni pare essere costato una paccata di
soldi) è la voce telematica da/per i soci e sarebbe opportuno leggere
qualcosa di ufficiale sulla attuale tempesta in ARI, quanto meno per
conoscere la realtà dei fatti senza doverla leggere su blogs e forum
(che potrebbero essere di parte o fuorviare la realtà). Quando avremo
la possibilità di leggere qui qualcosa di concreto da parte di chi ha
preso il timone della barca piena di falle ? Mi sembrerebbe una giusta
mossa di trasparenza nei confronti di chi sostiene da anni
l'Associazione ancora illudendosi che sia un ente morale non a scopo di
E la domanda che mi pongo adesso è: fu il siluramento solo "farina del sacco" di PMR o qualcuno sta reggendo i fili e non vuol prendersi le responsabilità dell'azione nei miei confronti ? E la successiva domanda è: ma possibile che nessuno lassù abbia voglia di perdere un minuto e sistemare la faccenda in modo sbrigativo senza tante polemiche ?
International Vintage Contest HF 2008
OBJECTIVE: It's to world-wide competition, everybody can work everybody.
DATE and TIME CONTEST: Sunday 13 April 2008
Time: From 08.00 UTC to 12.00 UTC and from 17.00 UTC to 21.00 UTC
BANDS: 14 Mhz and 7 Mhz.
A- Multi-operators (All bands or single band)
B- Single Operator All bands
C- Single Operator SSB
D- Single Operator CW
E- Single Operator AM
F- SWL - Single Operator – Mixed
(check the setup info (A1-B1-C1-D1) on the software section “Info – Setup” on Menù UTILITY”)
A1- RTX Year of manufacturing from 1950 to 1959
B1- RTX Year of manufacturing from 1960 to 1969
C1- RTX Year of manufacturing from 1970 to 1980
D1- RTX Home Made
As authorized by your license.
Packet Cluster not admitted.
PC on CW not admitted.
Reports RST + Complete WWLocator ( exaples: 5/9 JN64GB)
1 POINT /QSO for every band and mode
MULTIPLIER is calculated by QRB between the two stations with a corrective per band:
On 20mtr.1 point multiplier every 500 Km or fraction of 500 Km
On 40mtr. 1 point multiplier every 300 Km or fraction of 300 Km
EXAMPLE.: QRB 678 Km = 2 points on 20mtr / 3 points on 40mtr
QRB: 351 Km = 1 point on 20mtr / 2 points on 40mtr
Final Score = The sum of QSO-points from all bands times the sum of multipliers from all bands.
before may 30th 2008. You have to use the contest vintage software and you must send in cabrillo format.
DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE (by IV3EHH official programmer and manager vintage contest)
You can get the rules and program free on web site :
CALLSIGN : Only normal callsign or club station no special callsign .
The decision of Contest Committee it will be definitive and unquestionable.
1-FIRST for every category –PLATE + radio accessory
2-SECOND and THIRD for every category.
The awarding will develop him to Pordenone on the occasion of the fair of November 2008.
Website: http://www.beepworld/members/contestvintage
DATE and TIME CONTEST: Sunday 13 April 2008
Time: From 08.00 UTC to 12.00 UTC and from 17.00 UTC to 21.00 UTC
BANDS: 14 Mhz and 7 Mhz.
A- Multi-operators (All bands or single band)
B- Single Operator All bands
C- Single Operator SSB
D- Single Operator CW
E- Single Operator AM
F- SWL - Single Operator – Mixed
(check the setup info (A1-B1-C1-D1) on the software section “Info – Setup” on Menù UTILITY”)
A1- RTX Year of manufacturing from 1950 to 1959
B1- RTX Year of manufacturing from 1960 to 1969
C1- RTX Year of manufacturing from 1970 to 1980
D1- RTX Home Made
As authorized by your license.
Packet Cluster not admitted.
PC on CW not admitted.
Reports RST + Complete WWLocator ( exaples: 5/9 JN64GB)
1 POINT /QSO for every band and mode
MULTIPLIER is calculated by QRB between the two stations with a corrective per band:
On 20mtr.1 point multiplier every 500 Km or fraction of 500 Km
On 40mtr. 1 point multiplier every 300 Km or fraction of 300 Km
EXAMPLE.: QRB 678 Km = 2 points on 20mtr / 3 points on 40mtr
QRB: 351 Km = 1 point on 20mtr / 2 points on 40mtr
Final Score = The sum of QSO-points from all bands times the sum of multipliers from all bands.
before may 30th 2008. You have to use the contest vintage software and you must send in cabrillo format.
DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE (by IV3EHH official programmer and manager vintage contest)
You can get the rules and program free on web site :
CALLSIGN : Only normal callsign or club station no special callsign .
The decision of Contest Committee it will be definitive and unquestionable.
1-FIRST for every category –PLATE + radio accessory
2-SECOND and THIRD for every category.
The awarding will develop him to Pordenone on the occasion of the fair of November 2008.
Website: http://www.beepworld/members/contestvintage
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
CW Skimmer
Per onor di cronaca la notizia la traggo dal blog di KB6NU ed è troppo succulente per lasciarmela sfuggire. Non sono molto lontani i tempi in cui ho iniziato ad interessarmi al modo PSK31 e diversi son stati i softwares che ho utilizzato per la decodifica dei segnali. Mi piacevano in particolare quelli che potevano decodificare diversi segnali su una larga fetta di frequenza, così potevo tenere tutto sotto controllo. Ma che si inventassero qualcosa anche per il CW stento ancora a crederci. Dagli inventori del famoso DX Atlas (Afreet Software Inc) ecco CW Skimmer 1.0 che, dalle videate proposte sul sito, promette faville. Con un algoritmo molto sensibile per la decodifica del CW basato sulle statistiche Bayesiane, CW Skimmer può decodificare TUTTI i segnali CW fino a 700 segnali su un ricevitore a banda larga. I nominativi bengono estratti dai messaggi e come se non bastasse viene fornito un processore DSP con noise blanker, AGC ed un filtro variabile. Insomma, vedete voi l'immagine qui sotto e poi capire il mio entusiasmo (pileup, wideband mode). Ben vengano i commenti se lo provate.


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