Monday, March 31, 2008


LN2G will operate April 11-13. This special call sign has been authorized in conjunction with “Norwegian Hammeeting”. Operation will mostly be on 7 MHz and 14 MHz SSB, PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via club station LA2G.

Photo by LA2G


Chissà perchè l'attimo più propenso per generare un DXSpot è alle 2048 UTC ! Questo risulta dall'indagine di 26 mesi di spots raccolti per classificare i top spots e top scorers. Spinto dalla curiosità di capire quale fosse il momento di maggior traffico degli spots ho provato a scrivere una semplicissima query che estrae dai 3.156.789 records l'attimo fuggente. Dunque alle 2048 UTC il mondo cluster genera 3054 spots. Con l'attuale ora legale sono le 2248 locali, un bel momento per essere tranquilli in radio, quando la famiglia non dovrebbe richiedere molto la nostra presenza. E con qualche buona opportunità per i 20, 30 e 40 metri.

Top italian spotters

Mi è stata fatta la richiesta di evidenziare i primi 10 spotters italiani dopo aver pubblicato il post sui primi 10 mondiali. Ecco quindi i connazionali che spottano di più (sempre sottolineando che si tratta di spots dal gen 2006 al feb 2008):


1 IK7BPV 5739
2 IT9VQC 3050
3 IW1DQS 2995
4 I1SCL 2928
5 I0SSW 2507
6 IZ8FTW 2370
7 IK2NBW 2335
8 IZ3EYZ 2170
9 IZ8DPL 2134
10 IT9FGA 2045

Friday, March 28, 2008

Top spots febbraio 2008

Come era logico prevedere la spedizione a Ducie VP6DX ha frantumato molti records ed anche quello degli spots DX. Sale infatti al primo posto di questa classifica che ho stilato in base agli spot scaricabili dal sito 425dxn e forniti da Rod Elliot VE3UW da oltre dieci anni !!! Ho caricato solo gli spots da gennaio 2006 a febbraio 2008 e con una facile query Access è facile arrivare all'estrazione delle 10 stazioni più spottate:


1 VP6DX 19487
2 3B7C 14001
3 N8S 12604
4 3Y0X 12438
5 5A7A 9403
6 VU7RG 8119
7 BS7H 7683
8 J5C 7610
9 XF4DL 6728
10 XT2C 6217

Facile anche costruire l'elenco dei 10 top spotters (sempre riferito al periodo gen06-feb08):


1 W2QO 21952
2 AA3B 13508
3 N4VN 10156
4 SWL 9362
5 UA0AV 8370
6 UU2JQ 7329
7 ZS1Y 6839
8 OK2PAY 6794
9 WX3B 6734
10 DK4WF 6725

Con gli spots di marzo sicuramente entrerà in classifica TX5C e forse anche 9X0R. Se poi troverò tempo e voglia caricherò anche gli spots degli anni precedenti.

Probably the best QSLs

Stan SQ8X disegna QSL non per lucro ma per passione e devo dire che probabilmente sono le più belle cartoline che io abbia mai visto. Nel suo sito vi sono alcuni esempi tra cui ZD9BCB, VP6TD, ZL7, SQ8AQD e quella che vedete qui sopra. Al termine delle operazioni disegnerà anche quella di ZS8T, Marion island per cui ha creato il sito web che ovviamente è molto bello ed elegante come tutte le sue creazioni. Ad una mia specifica richiesta Stan dubita di poter essere disponibile per progettare altre QSL on demand ma chissà mai che insistendo con le dovute maniere non lo si possa convincere. Il modo migliore per concludere una bella spedizione è una card che si faccia ricordare, quelle di Stan sono sicuramente da esporre con piacere. Complimenti SQ8X !

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spratly wants to "serve" Europe

Dal blog di 9M6/N1UR: "I am sensitive to the “JA wall” issue. I am asking Ed when there is a chance for EU or NA to be open, and I have put the JA on standby a few times. So, let me know if you heard me while I was working JA. I’d love to know and to “serve” you better!" Quindi se ascoltate Spratly fate un salto sul blog e lasciate un commento dicendo ora e frequenza del'HRD. Magari riusciranno a fermare il muro giapponese per lavorare un po' di Europa. Ma le tabelle della propagazione e/o grayline non se le sono portate ???

The FORCE 12 vertical installed at 9M6AAC to be used at Spratly

PSK Automatic Propagation Reporter

This is a project to automatically gather reception records of PSK activity and then make those records available in near realtime to interested parties — typically the amateur who initiated the communication. The way that it works is that many amateurs will run a client that will monitor received traffic for callsigns (the pattern 'de callsign callsign') and, when seen, will report this fact. This is of interest to the amateur who transmitted and they will be able to see where their signal was received. The pattern chosen is typically part of a standard CQ call. The duplicate check is to make sure that the callsign is not corrupted.

The way that this would be used is that an amateur would call CQ and could then (within a few minutes) see where his signal was received. This can be useful in determining propagation conditions or in adjusting antenna and/or radio parameters. It will also provide an archive of reception records that can be used for research purposes.

More here.

Friday, March 21, 2008

New search engines added

New search engines added to the 425toolbar. Now you have up to 16 engines for your searches. They are: Google, 425 bulletins, QRZ, DxWatch, DxZone, Latest spots, IK3QAR managers, Hamcall, Dxscape, eHam, DXcalendar, F5LEN DXCC info, Wikipedia, eBay, YouTube and NoBids. If you have other engines to suggest use the msg button on the toolbar to send me your comments.

Spiderbeam in VK9N

Here is the Spiderbeam 5-band version with a 10 meter portable mast used by JO2SLZ during his activity as VK9ANU from Norfolk Island, photo taken from his blog.

And this is the vertical antenna for 40m band

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

PSK31 software survey

Many years ago I runned a survey on the 425DXN website about the most used PSK31 softwares. 686 users from all over the world voted for Digipan followed by MMTTY (now MMVARI) and Zakanaka (discontinued?). I think the situation has now changed and I'm curious to know what is the most used PSK31 software. Feel free to post a comment about the software you are using for PSK31.

Link to the 425dxn survey

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5W from ZL to EA

This is a video on YouTube about a QSO between ZL/G0WSP and EA7BA. Phil was using a FT-817 with 5W from Hakana Bay, Marlborough Sounds, South Island, New Zealand, on an inverted vee on bamboo canes. Nice case for your 817 Phil !

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

AirLink Express

AirLink Express is a user friendly digital mode software package for the Amateur Radio Operator. The software is compatible with Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Vista. It offers PSK, MFSK and RTTY digital modes with logging and macro capabilities. If you have ever used the Digipan software you will be immediately familiar with Airlink Express. The user interface is almost identical.

The DSP engine used in Airlink Express is MMVari by Makoto Mori, JE3HHT. This engine is very flexible and decodes as well, if not better, than any other soundcard mode engine currently available. It is used by many other software products like Logger32 and the N1MM contest logger. This version of Airlink supports multiple sound cards. All sound settings, including volume settings, are stored in Airlink Express and are recalled whenever Airlink Express starts. No separate software is needed to store volume settings.


Compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista

The software is from the ground up developed for Windows Vista, with complete backward compatibility for Windows XP.

Support for Multiple Soundcards

Multiple soundcards are supported for input and output of sound. You can even select different soundcards for input and output.

Support for the most Popular Modes

- PSK31, PSK63, PSK125 and PSK250

- MFSK, Normal and Reversed

- RTTY, Normal and Reversed


Define macros to make operating more convenient and quicker.

Bandpass Filters

Select from various predefined filter bandwidths from 100Hz to 1200 Hz or define your own with a single mouse movement

Waterfall Gain (Intensity) Adjustment

The intensity of the waterfall can be changed to accommodate various
input levels. This is especially useful in those situations where a
(low) fixed level output from the transceiver is used.

Simultaneously View Waterfall and Spectrum Display

You can choose to see just the waterfall or see the Spectrum Display at the same time to help you find signals.

Simple, Intuitive Interface

The User Interface is Digipan-like, so the learning curve is minimal.

Logging with ADIF Import and Export
You can keep a log in the program and later export it into an ADIF v.2.0 formatted file for import into your favorite logging software. You can also import ADIF version 2 formatted log files into Airlink Express.

Replay Last 60, 30, or 15 Seconds
Airlink Express can replay the last 60, 30 or 15 seconds instantaneously of a received signal, so you can decode that missed signal you saw on the waterfall.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

N2Y / N2J Special Event

N2Y and N2J will be the Special Event call signs used for this year's special event honoring the precious lives that were lost and giving thanks to the world that stood by us in time of need while this tragic event shattered lives throughout the globe. Let us not forget the lives that were taken during the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. This is for them as well!

We will be operating from a very special location not many know about. Operations will commence on Sept. 11 at 0000UTC and will be a multi-operator event. Operating bands will be:

6m, 10m and 12m: Short periods of time unless bands open!
15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m: Will be concentrating the most!
160m: Tentative!

Now the Hitch!

We want this Special Event to be very very special, so we will be asking a huge request from the Amateur Radio Broadcasting Community.

We ask that during our operations on Sept. 11 at 13:50 UTC there is 30 seconds of silence. This was the time the South Tower had fallen.

The next 30 seconds of silence will take place at 14:38 UTC, in which the North Tower had followed.

This will mean that for each 30 second interval the bands will go silent. Each moment of silence will be just that. Just 60 seconds of your time out of the year.

I know this will be a difficult task for many and not many will understand the importance and the meaning behind it, but this day can not be forgotten nor taken lightly. We ask ourselves, can we as a community bond together for this important day and show restraint from the things that are not as important than the life that is so precious to us not to take for granted. The same way we pause and hold our breath for the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve and cheer at a spur of the moment, can we do the same and pay our respects and honor the dead.

I hope that we can!

A web sight will be posted soon which will have video and pictures of the operations with furthur information. Special QSL cards will be made for this event and will not regret the time working us and receiving this unique QSL card paying tribute not only too our dead, but to the Heros that risked their lives as well.

Thank You and 73!
N2RRA and W2WP


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Monday, March 17, 2008


SondeMonitor tracks and decodes live weather data telemetry from radiosonde weather balloons.

SondeMonitor - Features

Analogue and digital sondes
SondeMonitor decodes the messages from both analogue (6-tone) radiosondes (Vaisala RS80 series) and digital radiosondes (Vaisala RS92SGP and RS92AGP series) using a simple UHF scanner receiver and the soundcard of a PC or laptop.

Data output
SondeMonitor generates a data file of the raw sample frequency data from analogue radiosondes and the raw hex data from digital radiosondes.

Raw display
SondeMonitor displays the raw measurand data in either table form or graphical form as a quick look and to identify the balloon burst instant.

Graphical displays
SondeMonitor displays the decoded data in either table form or graphical form (right). A median filter and a smoothing filter are both supplied to improve the signal to noise ratio of the telemetry from analogue sondes that lack the error checking machanisms of the digital sondes.

Stueve diagram
SondeMonitor can display the decoded telemetry data from a digital sonde in a real-time using a Stueve diagram (below right) that develops as the sonde ascends. The diagram shows temperature and humidity against log pressure (altitude) together with measured wind data if the GPS telemetry decode is armed.

GPS position tracking
SondeMonitor can display a map showing the ground track of digital (GPS) radio sondes during their flight mission or processed from the telemetry data afterwards (right) It can also ouput the current sonde position as a pseudo-GPS receiver in serial NMEA format.

SondeMonitor can be downloaded freely here.

Bigode Multiband

A CW transceiver 4W for 20, 15 and 10 mt by PY2OHH

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Antenna heading/distance

A new feature in the 425 toolbar is the antenna heading/distance calculator, powered by Click the drop down menu at the Earth icon ; the last item is the antenna heading/distance: fill the field with your gridlocator and choose between kilometers and miles. The table will appear for all the DXCC countries. For example, to beam the 9X Dxpedition from JN35ub point 150°/330° (short/long path) and the distance is 5681 km. Give it a try ! If you still don't have the 425toolbar you can freely download it here!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Make More Miles on VHF

MMM, short for Make More Miles on VHF, is the name of the European information platform, that was active since the nineties of the last century. The information was formerly collected by Bernd, DK3XT, as well as Udo, DK5YA, until it was taken over by Guy, DL8EBW in 2006. The goal over the past decade was always the same: The webpage should be a free Internet Portal were Hams interested in VHF could obtain information about “Who”, “Were”, “When” and “How” DX activity was to reveal itself. Of course, this information was completely free of charge for everyone who accessed the web site.
By the end of 2006, Guy, DL8EBW, came to the conclusion that even with 2 to 3 hours of involvement in the Home Build web page per day, he had reached a limit of knowledge about all the aspects of HTML and other Internet features. As new features needed to be added, tools to be learned and an increasing 144 MHz activity, Guy came to the conclusion that not only a less time consuming set-up needed to be found, but also one that would rely on the competence of other amateurs. Early 2007 a group of 7 radio friends was formed which took off swiftly.
Several new ideas had sprouted, and “only” needed to be incorporated into the software. A new partner was found who had a potent server to his disposal with the latest technical (internet) features. At DENIC a new Domain name was registered: One of the contributors of the webpage is Ansgar, DG2KBC, who is the main programmer. Although he must have felt overwhelmed with new ideas and proposals, he managed to convert them into web page features in a remarkable short time span. He serves most of the credits, as he managed to build this new web page within a period of 2 months. In fact, he never said “no” when new requests were issued to him! The new webpage that we present here is:

(taken from the mmmonvhf website)

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Receiver reviews

The famous Receiver Shopping List and An Introduction to Long Distance Medium Wave Listening are back online and are now hosted by the Medium Wave Circle. The receiver reviews listed on those page where originally published on the Radio Netherlands website. They are provided there for those who are looking for information on pre-owned receivers. All the reviews have been carried out by independant reviewers. Neither Radio Netherlands or the Medium Wave Circle has any financial connection with any of the manufacturers listed. Some of these reviews are also available as PDF files for easier downloading and printing. Receiver reviewed:

* AOR: AR-5000 - AR-7030 - AR7030+
* Drake: R8 - R8A - R8B - SW2 - SW8
* Grundig: P2000 - Satellit 800 - YB320 - YB360 - YB400 - YB500 - YB305
* Icom: IC-PCR1000 - IC-R100 - IC-R71A - IC-R72E - IC-R75 - IC-R9000
* Japan Radio Company: NRD-345 - NRD-535 - NRD-545
* Kenwood: R-5000
* Lowe: HF-150 - HF-225 - HF-250
* Kneisner and Doering: KWZ30 (PDF version only)
* Philips: AE-3750
* Radio Shack: DX-375 - DX-394
* Sangean: ATS-505 - ATS-606 - ATS-808 - ATS-818 - ATS-909
* Sony: ICF-2001D - ICF-SW07 - ICF-SW100 - ICF-SW1000T - ICF-SW40 - ICF-SW55 - ICF-SW7600G - ICF-SW7600GR - ICF-SW77 - XR-C5100
* Ten-Tec: RX320 - RX340
* Watkins-Johnson: HF 1000
* Yaesu: FRG-100

DX news from the 50s

Basutoland: ZS8A is being heard on Saturday afternoons and early evenings on 14.310 mc.
French Indo China: FI8AK is reported in England to be coming in on 14 mc. cw.
Iraq: Former Persian EP3L should be in Iraq by now operating as YI2JB UNDER COVER
New Hebrides: An English SWL reports a QSL from YJ1AA whose QRA is F.H.Palmer, Vila, New Hebrides. YJ1AA was on phone when heard
....... and more

It's always nice to read from the past. No cluster, no policemen, no Internet...pure passion. Here is the DX Journal for BCB, SWL and HAM vol1 No6, March 20, 1950

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

FO0CI, Clipperton

Sapete perchè non mi interessa molto la spedizione attuale a Clipperton TX5C ? Perchè nel 92 FO0CI con 50.100 QSO totali (niente in confronto ai 183.000 di VP6DX, ma quest'ultima aveva più operatori, tredici contro nove e più giorni a disposizione, quindici giorni contro nove) mi riempì il log in ogni banda e modo lasciando vuota solo la casellina dei 160 metri. Molto bello il racconto di Jay W2IJ sulla spedizione del 1992 che potete leggere qui. Dopo due giorni il team attuale è ad oltre 30.000 QSO, i commenti non son sempre positivi sul cluster ma alla fine tutti si scannano per lavorarli comunque,anche quelli che hanno Clipperton già super confermata. Ma il bello della radio è avere sempre nuovi stimoli.

More FO0CI photos here by ON6TT Peter Casier.

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PSK31 tips

A very interesting article on ARRL website by Frank K2NCC about 10 tips for the PSK31 digital mode: "There's more to going over the waterfall than just having a good barrel". For example:

* Use the center of your waterfall display.

* There's no need to have the waterfall streaking bright red.

* Use UPPER CASE characters sparingly.

* Enable your RF attenuation and increase the volume.

Read more here. And also have a look at the wonderful software by Simon HB9DRV, Digital Master 780 which replaces PSK31 Deluxe. DM780 supports PSK, QPSK, CQ, MCW, DominoEx, MFSK, MT63, Olivia, RTTY and Throb; it is fully customizable, integrated with Ham Radio Deluxe for radio control, logbook with eQSL, ADIF, Cabrillo, Callsign Lookupo and Google Earth interfaces and FREE !

A PSK31 waterfall (N1NKM's website)

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Centenarians in Okinawa AS-017

Elderly Okinawans have among the lowest mortality rates in the world from a multitude of chronic diseases of aging and as a result enjoy not only what may be the world's longest life expectancy but the world's longest health expectancy. Centenarians, in particular, have a history of aging slowly and delaying or sometimes escaping the chronic diseases of aging including dementia, cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease and stroke) and cancer. The goal of the Okinawa Centenarian Study is to uncover the genetic and lifestyle factors responsible for this remarkable successful aging phenomenon for the betterment of the health and lives of all people.

Okinawa island, plan a IOTA Dxpedition there for a longer life ! (smile). Read more at the Okinawa Centenarian Study website.

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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

4S7DXG licence

Dear Maurizio! Today I rcvd copy licence from Ivan UR9IDX now active as 4S7DXG. All is OK and Ivan have licence from 01.01.2008 during to 01.05.2008 QSL via home call UR9IDX. Vlad -UY5ZZ , UCC-president

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Assegnazione 70 Mhz per il 2008

Dopo aver trasmesso al Ministero delle Comunicazioni la richiesta di poter effettuare un nuovo ciclo di sperimentazioni in banda 70 MHz durante l'anno 2008, abbiamo oggi informalmente appreso che, in data 4 Marzo, verrà emesso l'indispensabile nulla osta da parte delle autorità militari, ferme restando le condizioni operative stabilite per il 2007 (periodo, potenza, frequenze, ecc.).
E' pertanto presumibile che, nell'arco di qualche giorno, il Ministero trasmetterà alle varie Associazioni radioamatoriali l'autorizzazione formale a utilizzare la banda nel corso del 2008.
A questa buona notizia fanno eco da una parte la concessione radioamatoriale della banda in Estonia e nella Repubblica Ceca, e dall'altra il buon esito della recente riunione del gruppo di lavoro WGFM (Working Group - Frequency Management) della CEPT, nel corso della quale è stato deciso, a seguito di un'iniziativa Irlandese intesa ad ottenere l'allocazione secondaria del segmento 70 -70.5 MHz ai servizi radioamatoriali, di inserire una nota nel prossimo draft dell'ECA (European Common Allocation Table) che costituisca un primo riconoscimento della banda, e nella quale venga rimarcato come il numero di paesi nei quali la banda dei 70 MHz è utilizzata dai radioamatori sia in costante crescita.
Pertanto, nel futuro, gli sforzi non dovrebbero essere più orientati a conseguire, anno per anno, l'autorizzazione a condurre degli ulteriori cicli sperimentali, ma piuttosto ad ottenere in Italia un'allocazione stabile della banda. Come pure a sensibilizzare gli Enti titolari delle frequenze affinchè i rappresentanti Italiani alle riunioni della CEPT possano
associarsi al coro di coloro che propugnano l'assegnazione generalizzata della banda dei 70 MHz ai radioamatori.

I0JX Antonio e IK0YYY Luca.

Per leggere le informazioni e tutti i documenti:

0.5 W a 2417 km

Tanta è la distanza tra il ricevitore di RA6AS ed il beacon SK6RUD a 10.133 Mhz, che trasmette con soli 0.5W in una verticale 1/4 d'onda. Alex non specifica le condizioni di ricezione ma lo fa UA6BVI a 2248 km di distanza, che usa un Degen 1103 e l'antenna telescopica. Ma sarà vero ? Per il momento il migliore DX italiano è di Gianni IS0VSG con 1873 km alle 16z. Chi di voi vuole provare ? Ecco dove mandare i vostri report di ascolto.

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Personal GPS Tracker

The Trackstick records its own location, time, date, speed, heading and altitude at preset intervals. With over 1Mb of memory, it can store months of travel information. The Trackstick is the perfect tool for individuals looking for a way to track anything that moves. Use it for recording the exact routes you take when hiking, biking or vacationing. Record the location of everywhere you went, import pictures and other information into Google™ Earth to offer an entirely new perspective of your journey. Includes GPX photo stamping feature for adding your favorite photos to your own maps.
How it works: The Trackstick II receives signals from twenty four satellites orbiting the earth. With this information, the Trackstick II can precisely calculate its own position anywhere on the planet to within fifteen meters.
Where it works: The Trackstick II will work anywhere on the planet Earth. Your exact location and the route traveled can be viewed and played back directly within Google™ Earth. Everything is included and there are no monthly fees.

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Monday, March 03, 2008

Donate Used Cell Phones

The used cell phones stashed away in your closets or drawers have real value. To some, these cell phones offer an opportunity to communicate in a way that they never have. The materials that comprise our old cell phones can also be recycled and reused to make many other products, helping to preserve the world around us. Imagine the difference each of us can make if we just do our part!

Donating used cell phones is simple and FREE!

Dig through your junk drawer, closets and shoeboxes for used cell phones that are just collecting dust and taking up space – batteries, chargers and any other additional accessories are also accepted.

Your donation benefits our charitable partners in Africa in two ways. Some phones that meet the specific needs of each organization will be refurbished, cleared of personal data and donated directly to our charitable partners in Africa. To supplement the physical donation of refurbished phones, the majority of the phones will be refurbished and sold to generate financial revenue for the charities. This two-tiered donation system allows us to better meet the financial and technological needs of these organizations.

IOTA NA-194 & NA-205

Hi guys, please note that myself/VE3LYC and Ken/G3OCA will activate Finger Hill Is. (NA-194) and Paul Is. (NA-205) between July 30 and August 4. We intend to operate for three days from each island, with two stations on the air from 6 to 40 m, CW and SSB. These island groups have only been activated once, 14 and 13 years ago, respectively. Since only 6-7% of the IOTA members have them confirmed, both groups are on the most wanted list. Islands have been checked and confirmed to satisfy IOTA activation criteria by the IOTA Program Manager. Callsigns will be VE3LYC/VO2 (Cezar) and VO2/G3OCA (Ken). QSL via VE3LYC, direct or by the bureau (G/GM/GW/GI stations can confirm via G3OCA).

GL and 73, Cezar, VE3LYC

Statistiche 40&80

Partecipanti passate edizioni:

2002 : 240
2003 : 290
2004 : 326
2005 : 427
2006 : 489
2007 : 566

Sezioni ARI:

2002 : 109
2003 : 125
2004 : 138
2005 : 129
2006 : 156
2007 : 184

110366 QSO/HRD prima del check così suddivisi:

40 metri 32788(SSB), 11978 (CW), 5655 (DIG)
80 metri 37675(SSB), 14257 (CW), 8013 (DIG)

La provincia più presente nei logs è Roma
e le più rare Isernia, Materia, Oristano.


DOPPI : 542




WorkedGrids is a Windows application that displays a map showing the amateur radio grid squares contacted and logged in using a third-party logging program. WorkedGrids uses colors to display information on a per-band basis. Up to four bands can be displayed concurrently. This project was initiated because I (the author VE2ZAZ) could not find a logging program that provided the level of detail and mapping quality that I wanted. The software is directed towards the VHF and above operators who collect grid squares for contesting or award purpose. It is designed to supplement a logging program and it replaces the pen and paper technique..... source

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